Support against abuse

It is always better to talk to someone about your feelings and experiencing. Here is information about various resources where you can seek advice and assistance. It can either be for you or somebody you know. It does not matter how long it has been since the abuse occurred. You can always get help.

A person is looking at their phone. Behind them are icons for resources.

Guides for those who have experienced sexual offences

Victims can get help in working through the trauma and to press charges against the perpetrator.

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The Red Cross Helpline 1717 is a phone service and webchat for those who need someone to talk to in confidentiality. They are open 24 hours, and it's free to call.

The Aflið house in Akureyri

Aflið in Akureyri

Aflið assists people who have suffered any form of abuse.

The logo for Alzheimer Iceland

Alzheimer Iceland

Alzheimer Iceland offers counselling to people with dementia, their families, and others.

Bergið Headspace

Bergið headspace

Bergið is a support- and counselling centre for young people up to 25 years old.

Bikers put a bandage on a child.

Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA)

Bikers Against Child Abuse, Inc. (B.A.C.A.) is an organization with the intent to create a safer environment for abused children.

An interview room at Bjarkarhlíð


Bjarkarhlíð is a center for people who have experienced abuse. There you get all the support and counseling you need in one place. All assistance is on your terms.

An interview room at Bjarmahlíð.

Bjarmahlíð in Akureyri

Bjarmahlíð is a center for people who have experienced abuse. There you get all the support and counseling you need in one place. All assistance is on your terms.

Happy children jumping into a pool.

Child Protection Services

Child protection service committees in each municipality help children who live in unacceptable living conditions and provide support for families.

Children in a swimming pool.

Communication counsellor

A communication counsellor is here to listen, support, and assist you in all cases related to inappropriate behaviour or abuse within organized sports or youth activities.

Emergency care for sexual assault victims

The Emergency care for sexual assault assists anyone who has been raped, experienced attempted rape or any other sexual abuse.

Bygging Sjúkrahússins á Akureyri

Emergency care in Akureyri for sexual assault victims

The Emergency Care for Sexual Assault in Akureyri assists anyone who has been raped, experienced attempted rape or any other sexual abuse.

The National Hospital

The Emergency Room at the National Hospital

The Emergency Room at the National Hospital takes in sick and injured people 24/7. There are social workers working there who attend to people living with domestic abuse and intimate partner violence, among other things.

The logo for the advisory board.

Advisory board on bullying in primary and upper secondary schools

If your bullying case is not resolved, you can refer it to the advisory board for primary or upper secondary school on bullying.

Barn hlustar á hjartslátt á bangsa

Healthcare Centres

At the Health care Centres, doctors, nurses, midwives and psychologist work to serve residents in that neighbourhood or municipality.

A doctor.


Heilsuvera is an online service for the Healthcare Centers. On the Heilsuvera website, you can speak to a nurse through webchat or phone.

A flower.


Heimilisfriður offers therapy for people who have abused someone in a close relationship.

Mannréttindaskrifstofa Merki

Icelandic Human Rights Centre

At the Icelandic Human Rights Centre, immigrants can get free legal counsel.

Legal assistance by law students

Law students of the universities offer legal counsel free of charge by phone

A multicoloured face.

Multicultural Information Centre

Immigrants in Iceland can get information about their rights and obligations at the Multicultural Centre.

Umboðsmaður Barna Merki

The Ombudsman for Children

The Ombudsman for Children is a public spokesperson for children and endeavours to have children’s rights, needs and interests taken into full consideration.

The house Foreldrahús is located in.

Parents' house

The Parents’ House (Foreldrahús) provides children, teenagers and parents with counselling regarding teenage alcohol- and drug use, risk behaviour and behavioural problems, among other things. Their phone number 581 1799 is open 24 hours.


The police in Iceland help people who have suffered abuse of any kind. Police see abuse in close relationships as a very serious matter.


Landsteymið helps everyone in the school community, from kindergarten to secondary school.

The disabled sign on a wall next to a ramp.

Rights Protection Officer

Rights Protection Officer helps disabled or Deaf people and people with an impairment or long-term health condition. They help with everything to do with rights, finances, and personal issues.

A rainbow flag.

Samtökin '78

Samtökin '78 is the National Queer Organisation of Iceland. Amongst other things, they offer counseling for queer people who have experienced abuse in close relationships.

Three girls with their back to the camera. They are chatting.

Save the Children

Save the Children (Barnaheill) offers consultation about the welfare of children. On their website, it is possible to report inappropriate online behaviour against children.

The Sick Love Chat

The Sick love chat is an anonymous chat for young people who seek advice about their relationships, communication or violence.

Sigurhæðir in Selfoss

Sigurhæðir is a service for victims of gender-based violence in South Iceland. There you receive counsel, support and therapy on your terms, free of charge..


Helps families of children with support needs.

A person guides another person into a better future.

Social support and services

Social services are provided by municipalities to their residents. Those services include financial assistance, support for disabled and senior citizens, support for people who suffer abuse and social counselling, to name a few.


Stígamót helps people of all genders who have been sexually abused.

Myndin sýnir bjarta setustofu þar sem er blár sófi hægra megin upp við vegg.  Sófinn er með tveimur gulum púðum fyrir framan lágt viðar sófaborð. Hinu megin við borðið eru tveir hvítir stólar, yfir annan þeirra hefur verið lagt samanbrotið teppi.  Fyrir aftan stólana má sjá bókahillu með ýmsum munum í. Á veggnum gagnstætt hurðinni er hægra megin gluggi með bláum gluggatjöldum. Vinstra megin eru hvítir upphengdir eldhússkápar.


Suðurhlíð is a center for victims of violence. The aim is to provide support, advice and education about the nature and consequences of violence.

Taktu skrefið

Taktu skrefið (Take the step) is a group of psychologists that help people that are worried about their sexual behaviour or have sexually abused someone.

Myndin sýnir aðstöðu Vopnabúrsins. Þar má sjá bjart herbergi með myndum á veggjum þar sem er mikið af allskonar íþróttadóti, þar á meðal golfkylfur, lyftingalóð og ýmiskonar boltar.


Vopnabúrið is a gym and a leisure center that provides counseling and support to children and teenagers in need.

A drawing depicting a variety of women.


W.O.M.E.N (Women Of Multicultural Ethnicity Network in Iceland) is a social organization for women of foreign origin living in Iceland.

The women's counseling house.

Women's Counseling

The Women's Counseling offers free legal and social services counseling for women.

A view of the pond in Reykjavík.

Women's Shelter

The Women‘s Shelter offers counseling and a safe place to stay for any woman who has experienced abuse in a close relationship.

A view of Akureyri.

Women's Shelter in Akureyri

The Women's Shelter offers counseling and a safe place to stay for any woman who has experienced abuse in a close relationship.

Safety plan

A safety plan is a way to protect your safety as well as your children’s. Both within the relationship and if you decide to leave.