112 aðstoðar í neyð

Call 1-1-2 when in need of assistance
Call 112 in case of an emergency or click on the online chat for 112 to start a conversation with an emergency operator

112 Iceland app
112 Iceland app is designed to speed information transfer in case of emergency but is also useful for anyone who might have difficulty in calling for assistance or in describing the situation because of the situation they are in or have difficulty communicating verbally for some other reason.

Do you recognise violence and abuse?
It can often be difficult to distinguish between bad communication and abuse. Read the stories and answer what you think is abuse.

112 in numbers
The National Emergency Number 112 is on call 24 hours all year round. Calls and messages come in through the telephone, the app, text message (SMS) or the web chat.
There are many tasks in progress at all times. In addition to requests which require the response of emergency operators and dispatchers, there are emergency calls from Tetra, SafeTravel or Search and Rescue teams and Civil Protection services.
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