Contact us

Neyðarlínan ohf. (kt. 511095-2559)
Skógarhlíð 14, 105 Reykjavík
Sími: 5702000

Húsnæði Neyðarlínunnar í Skógarhlíð

Email addresses:

  • Neyðarlínan: neydarlinan[at]
  • Emergency operators 112: vakt112[at]
  • Tetra: abendingar[at]
  • Vaktstöð siglinga: sar[at]

Call via satellite:

To call 112 in Iceland via a satellite phone, you need to call the phone number

+ 354 809 0112

Note that Iceland is on the edge of the distribution network of some satellite systems. Contact the system's service provider for more information on how to get in touch.

When in an emergency call 112 or click on Webchat to start a live conversation with an emergency operator.