W.O.M.E.N (Women Of Multicultural Ethnicity Network in Iceland) is a social organization for women of foreign origin living in Iceland.

A drawing depicting a variety of women.

Rights of Foreign Women

At W.O.M.E.N in Iceland women of foreign origin can get counseling and advice regarding their rights and resources available to them in Iceland. W.O.M.E.N assist women who have suffered abuse in any form but also advise on separation, isolation, abusive relationships, administrative issues, studies and more. Counseling is free of charge.

Every Tuesday from 8 PM to 10 PM they offer peer support where women can sign up to communicate with other women of foreign origin who will provide information and support, regardless of where you live in Iceland. You can sign up here: https://womeniniceland.is/en/do-you-need-assistance-faq/

Counselors at W.O.M.E.N speak English, Icelandic, Spanish, Russian, Polish and many more languages. Feel free to send them an email in advance to ensure someone who speaks your language is available. There is an elevator in the building so wheelchair access is available but please contact them before to ensure they can secure a meeting room. W.O.M.E.N do not pay for sign interpretation for the hearing impaired.

W.O.M.E.N is located at Túngata 14 in Reykjavík. It is best to book a time in advance with an email to support@womeniniceland.is. It is also possible to contact them through their website or with private messaging on their Facebook page.

W.O.M.E.N helps women of foreign origin living in Iceland who have experienced abuse.

Available support

See all support
A view of the pond in Reykjavík.

Women's Shelter

The Women‘s Shelter offers counseling and a safe place to stay for any woman who has experienced abuse in a close relationship.

A multicoloured face.

Multicultural Information Centre

Immigrants in Iceland can get information about their rights and obligations at the Multicultural Centre.

Mannréttindaskrifstofa Merki

Icelandic Human Rights Centre

At the Icelandic Human Rights Centre, immigrants can get free legal counsel.

Religious abuse

When someone uses a spiritual practice or religion to frighten you, hurt you or control you, it is called religious abuse.

Manneskja á myndinni er alvarlega á svip og lítur niður. Hún er með hægri höndina á hjartastað en vinstri höndin er útrétt eins og faðmurinn sé opinn.

Digital abuse

Digital, or tech abuse occurs through mobile phones, computers, or social media platforms.

Manneskja horfir á farsímann sinn sem er opinn og virðist sýna skilaboð