Healthcare Centres

At the Health care Centres, doctors, nurses, midwives and psychologist work to serve residents in that neighbourhood or municipality.

Barn hlustar á hjartslátt á bangsa

Ask a Nurse for Help

You can get get medical advice and information about you access to healthcare 24/7 by calling 1700 or via webchat from 8:00–22:00. On the website Heilsuvera, you can log in with your electronic ID to see what is your health care centre, book appointments with a doctor, view your medical history, and renew prescriptions. The price to see a doctor during the daytime is around 500 krónur.

Your Healthcare Centre (Heilsugæsla) will connect you to the right resources if you have experienced. You can always come or call there during work hours and talk to a nurse or a midwife that gets you the help you need. You can also make an appointment to speak to a psychologist. If you haven’t already, you should register yourself and your family at the nearest healthcare centre and apply for a General Practitioner (GP). Outside of the capital area, there is always a doctor on call. Here is a map with every healthcare facility in the country so that you can find the one closest to you.


Healthcare professionals assess the need for interpreting services if an individual does not speak Icelandic or English or if they use sign language. You can request an interpreter when booking an appointment with your local healthcare centre or when visiting the hospital. Interpreting services can be provided by telephone or on-site. Read more about rights to interpretation.

Young people

Many health care centres have specific consultation for youth aged 13–20. They can come there to discuss their health and wellness.

ER for sexual abuse victims

There are special emergency care for victims of sexual assault for sexual assault in Reykjavik and Akureyri. There is access to this reception 24/7. If you live outside of those areas you can get help at these healthcare institutions:

The nurses at Heilsuvera consult you in all issues related to wellbeing and health.

Everyone who has legal residency in Iceland for 6 consecutive months is covered by the Icelandic health insurance. Icelandic Health Insurance determines whether citizens of EEA and EFTA countries are eligible to transfer their health insurance rights to Iceland.

Available support

See all support
A doctor.


Heilsuvera is an online service for the Healthcare Centers. On the Heilsuvera website, you can speak to a nurse through webchat or phone.

Emergency care for sexual assault victims

The Emergency care for sexual assault assists anyone who has been raped, experienced attempted rape or any other sexual abuse.


The Red Cross Helpline 1717 is a phone service and webchat for those who need someone to talk to in confidentiality. They are open 24 hours, and it's free to call.

Emotional abuse

Emotional abuse is when somebody continually mistreats you emotionally. It's also sometimes called psychological abuse. It is emotional abuse when someone threatens you or deliberately tries to scare, humiliate, isolate or ignore you.

Manneskja situr í hjólastól. Hún snýr frá okkur og horfir upp í vindinn. Mikið og liðað hár sveiflast í vindinum.

Physical abuse

When someone hurts you, or threatens to hurt you, it is considered physical abuse and is prohibited in Iceland.

Manneskja í fjötrum. Hún er með lokuð augu og er leið á svipinn og heldur þétt utan um sig. Rauður þykkur borði er vafinn utan um hana.