
Heimilisfriður offers therapy for people who have abused someone in a close relationship.

A flower.

Take Responsibility for Your Behaviour

If you think that you are possibly abusing someone in a close relationship, contact Heimilisfriður. Therapy involves taking responsibility for your abusive behaviour. Then you are shown methods to deal with problems in a constructive manner.

Therapy starts with individual interviews and eventually progresses to group therapy if wanted. Individual therapy sessions cost 3000 kr. and support group therapy costs 16.000 kr. per semester. There is no couples therapy at Heimilisfriður but spouses are offered two interviews: one at the beginning and one at the end of your therapy regiment.

There is an elevator in the building for wheelchair accessibility. If you need sign language or other language interpretation, your referrer will likely pay for that.

Heimilisfriður is located at Höfðabakki 9 in Reykjavík. You can book a session via telephone 5553020 or send an email to heimilisfridur@salfraedistofan.is.

Heimilisfriður helps people to stop their abusive behaviour.

Rehabilitations for domestic violence perpetrators

Heimilisfriður is a rehabilitation option for domestic violence perpetrators. For people of all genders. The only assumption we suggest is that people have the will to change their violent behavior and tackle their problems. Whether it is physical violence, emotional violence or sexual violence, extortion, hidden abuse or whatever - if you want to change your violent behavior you should visit Heimilisfriður. The rehabilitation is based on individual interviews, interviews with partners and couples is also available as appropriate.

Tómas's experience

Tómas is not a real person but his story is built upon interviews with people who have used abusive or violent behavior towards others in close relationships. People who use violence can change their behavior if they seek help.

Available support

See all support

Taktu skrefið

Taktu skrefið (Take the step) is a group of psychologists that help people that are worried about their sexual behaviour or have sexually abused someone.


The Red Cross Helpline 1717 is a phone service and webchat for those who need someone to talk to in confidentiality. They are open 24 hours, and it's free to call.

Barn hlustar á hjartslátt á bangsa

Healthcare Centres

At the Health care Centres, doctors, nurses, midwives and psychologist work to serve residents in that neighbourhood or municipality.

Preventing violent behaviour

People commit violence for many different reasons. You can get help to change your behaviour.

Kona heldur höndum fyrir andlit sitt á meðan önnur manneskja fyrir aftan hana fórnar höndum með eldingu fyrir ofan höfuð, reið.

Illegal sexual behaviour online

If you are concerned about your viewing of sexual images of children or sexual conversations with someone under 18, help is available to change your behavior for good.

Manneskja situr við fartölvu en heldur höndunum fyrir andlitið.