Legal assistance by law students
Law students of the universities offer legal counsel free of charge by phone

Free legal counsel
Law students of the associations Orator at the University of Iceland and Lögrétta at the Reykjavík University offer free legal counsel by phone or by email. The law students are advanced in their studies and are under the supervision of practicing lawyers. This way the law students gain valuable experience and the public can receive legal counsel without having to pay for it. Full confidentiality is upheld.
Counsel can be received during the school year, that is from September into April, except for December as this is exam time. You can call Orator on Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 10pm at 5511012 or send an email to Lögrétta to book a counseling at logrettalaw@logretta.is.
No sign language interpretation.Languages
Íslenska, English.
Law students in Orator provide everyone with legal assistance by phone on Thursday evenings.
Online safety
Communication online is constantly increasing. It is important to know what behavior is not okay and what to do when digital violence happens. Learn how to improve your safety online.

Honor-based abuse is often hidden, because the perpetrator is usually a close relative who believes that the victim will or has dishonored them or the family.