The Emergency Room at the National Hospital

The Emergency Room at the National Hospital takes in sick and injured people 24/7. There are social workers working there who attend to people living with domestic abuse and intimate partner violence, among other things.

The National Hospital

Counselling for victims of abuse

The emergency room takes in everyone who gets sick, injured, or needs care that can’t wait.

There are social workers working there who help individuals who struggle with social problems as well as their loved ones. Some examples are:

  • domestic abuse
  • sexual abuse
  • mental difficulties
  • addiction
  • homelessness
  • refugees
  • asylum seekers
  • child protection issues

Social workers are an important addition to the services for victims of abuse. Other staff at the hospital and professionals in other areas seek them out for guidance and advice. Social workers help people experiencing domestic violence across the country.

Social workers interview the person, go over their situation and safety if they are returning home, connect them to support services and give them information about getting help. Patients are followed up on by phone. If there are no social workers on shift when the person comes in then someone on standby is called in.

You can call the emergency room directly at 543 1000 but emergencies should be reported to 112.

General services of the emergency room

In order to ensure the safety of all patients, individuals are prioritised based on the nature and seriousness of their illness or accident. A nurse examines and evaluates patients based on a specific system of categorisation and attends to the most urgent problems first.

Outpatient services are also provided between 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. on weekdays. That is aftercare for people who have been attended to by orthopaedists and emergency doctors within the past 12 months or by referral from a specialist outside the hospital.


In the case of poisoning, it is possible to contact the poison centre within the emergency department directly by phone at 543 2222. It is good to have the information about the names of the medications or substances that were ingested, when the poisoning occurred, and the age and weight of the patient.

More support

See all support

Emergency care for sexual assault victims

The Emergency care for sexual assault assists anyone who has been raped, experienced attempted rape or any other sexual abuse.

An interview room at Bjarkarhlíð


Bjarkarhlíð is a center for people who have experienced abuse. There you get all the support and counseling you need in one place. All assistance is on your terms.

Bygging Sjúkrahússins á Akureyri

Emergency care in Akureyri for sexual assault victims

The Emergency Care for Sexual Assault in Akureyri assists anyone who has been raped, experienced attempted rape or any other sexual abuse.

Physical abuse

Physical abuse and violence are when someone hurts you physically, like with pinching, shoving, kicking, or punching. Threats of physical abuse are also physical violence.

Manneskja í fjötrum. Hún er með lokuð augu og er leið á svipinn og heldur þétt utan um sig. Rauður þykkur borði er vafinn utan um hana.

Teenage fights

Watching abuse happen and not doing anything about it is the same as participating in it.

Manneskja styður höndum á gagnaugun. Henni líður greinilega illa. Eldingar eru teiknaðar hjá höfðinu.