Bjarkarhlíð is a center for people who have experienced abuse. There you get all the support and counseling you need in one place. All assistance is on your terms.

Family Justice Center for Survivors of Violence
If you or anyone you know has been abused, or been a victim of human trafficking, you can contact a counselor at Bjarkarhlíð regardless of your gender, origin or social status. There you will have access to a police officer, a lawyer, a social worker, and other organizations that offer support. Everyone is welcome, and there is no cost associated with services or counseling.
The building is wheelchair accessible. If you need, you can get sign language or language interpretation.
Bjarkarhlíð is located near Bústaðarvegur in Reykjavík. Opening hours are on weekdays from 9–5. It is best to book a time through their website, calling their phone number: 5533000. You can also send an email to bjarkarhlid@bjarkarhlid.is.
Bústaðavegur, 108 Reykjavík. See on mapWebsite
Wheelchair accessible.Languages
Íslenska, English. Language and sign language interpretation.
Bjarkarhlíð offers help to all people who have suffered abuse. You will be well taken care of here.
All support in one place
Victims of abuse can come to Bjarkarhlíð and get all the support they need in one place. There you can talk to the police, lawyers, counsellor from the Women Shelter and other help organisations. Bjarkarhlíð is for people of all genders 18 years old and above and is free of charge.
More information
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is when somebody continually mistreats you emotionally. It's also sometimes called psychological abuse. It is emotional abuse when someone threatens you or deliberately tries to scare, humiliate, isolate or ignore you.