Multicultural Information Centre

Immigrants in Iceland can get information about their rights and obligations at the Multicultural Centre.

A multicoloured face.

Service for Immigrants

The Multicultural Information Centre gives immigrants in Iceland information on many aspects of everyday life and administration in this country. Their aim is to enable every individual to become an active member of Icelandic society, no matter the background or where they come from. MCC also provide institutions, companies and associations with advice and information relating to immigrant issues. You can find a lot of information on their website, for example:

You can get a language interpreter when you talk to counsellers at the Multicultural Centre. Their place is wheelchair accessible, but it's best to notify before if you need it. They don't offer sign language interpretation.

The Multicultural Information Centre is located at Grensásvegur 9, but they service the whole country. Their offices are open on weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm Monday to Thursday and 9-12 on Fridays. You can either call them: 4503090, or send an email to

The Multicultural Center provides immigrants with information about their rights.

More support

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Mannréttindaskrifstofa Merki

Icelandic Human Rights Centre

At the Icelandic Human Rights Centre, immigrants can get free legal counsel.

A drawing depicting a variety of women.


W.O.M.E.N (Women Of Multicultural Ethnicity Network in Iceland) is a social organization for women of foreign origin living in Iceland.

A rainbow flag.

Samtökin '78

Samtökin '78 is the National Queer Organisation of Iceland. Amongst other things, they offer counseling for queer people who have experienced abuse in close relationships.

Honor based abuse

When honor is set above your human rights, that is abuse.

Manneska situr á hnjánum á gólfinu. Hún er leið á svip, með lokuð augun og höfuðið lítur niður til jarðar.

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse is when someone cheats you of your money, steals from you, or denies you access to your money.

Manneskja styður höndum á gagnaugun. Henni líður greinilega illa. Eldingar eru teiknaðar hjá höfðinu.