Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is when someone makes you do something sexual that you don’t want to do, touches you, or harasses you in a sexual way.

Examples of sexual abuse are:

  • Kisses or touching against your will.
  • Sexual comments or gestures against your will.
  • Sexual intercourse when you can’t say no. For example because you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you have been drugged or you are asleep.
  • Removing a condom without letting you know.
  • Mocking you or threatening you if you don’t want to do something sexual. For example watch porn or invite others to participate.
  • Asks you to do something sexual such as oral sex in exchange for a favor or an invite to a party or buying you something you like.
  • Rape or attempted rape.

Consent is necessary for any sexual activity

Giving consent of one’s own free will is necessary in sex and sexual activities. Anything else is sexual abuse.

Have you experienced sexual abuse?

Here are guidelines on what you can do if you experience sexual abuse. Pressing charges for the offence is the only way to make the person who committed the abuse take responsibility, but it is good to know what to expect.

Emergency care for sexual assault victims

The Emergency care for sexual assault assists anyone who has been raped, experienced attempted rape or any other sexual abuse.

Bygging Sjúkrahússins á Akureyri

Emergency care in Akureyri for sexual assault victims

The Emergency Care for Sexual Assault in Akureyri assists anyone who has been raped, experienced attempted rape or any other sexual abuse.

The Sick Love Chat

The Sick love chat is an anonymous chat for young people who seek advice about their relationships, communication or violence.

Sexual abuse and harassment

Overstepping a persons sexual boundaries is abuse.

Do you know anyone who has been abused?

It can be hard to know how to help a loved one who has experienced sexual violence or abuse. You can be an important support, even if it seems overwhelming at first.