
Nobody has the right to force another person to do something sexual against their will. Having sex with another person without consent is rape.

Having sex without consent is rape

Sexual violence has several forms. It can be sexual harassment, abusing children, digital, prostitution or rape. Having sex without consent is always rape. Rape is one of the most serious crimes there are – only murder is considered more serious. Repercussions of rape can last a lifetime.

Consent means that both individuals agree to have sex. It is never OK to insist or force a person to have sex, regardless of whether people are in a relationship or not. Consent is key.

Nothing justifies rape, the rapist alone is responsible for his actions. If you are raped, it is never your fault.

If you've experienced raped, some kind of coercing or your boundaries have been crossed during sex - it is worth a second thought. You can always contact Bjarkarhlíð to get counseling. It does not matter how long it has been since the incident.

A guide to the Icelandic justice system for victims of sexual offences

If you have been subjected to sexual assault or harassment you should consider reporting it to the police. We have collected information about the legal process, from initial reports all the way through the case being brought to court.


Giving consent of one’s own free will is necessary in sex and sexual activities. Anything else is sexual abuse.

Do you recognize abuse?

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During the first months of the relationship Lára found it admirable and sexy how easy it was to talk to Þrándur about sex. But over time his need for talking about and having sex only seemed to increase and she started finding it uncomfortable. Especially when he told her about a rape fantasy that he has.

One night Lára wakes up to Þrándur having sex with her. She does not know what to do so she does nothing. Afterwards, Þrándur thanks her, turns on his other side and falls asleep.

Is this abuse?

An interview room at Bjarkarhlíð


Bjarkarhlíð is a center for people who have experienced abuse. There you get all the support and counseling you need in one place. All assistance is on your terms.

An interview room at Bjarmahlíð.

Bjarmahlíð in Akureyri

Bjarmahlíð is a center for people who have experienced abuse. There you get all the support and counseling you need in one place. All assistance is on your terms.

Emergency care for sexual assault victims

The Emergency care for sexual assault assists anyone who has been raped, experienced attempted rape or any other sexual abuse.


Spiking is when someone gives another person a drink, medicine or drugs that have been spiked, in order to gain control over the person.

Online safety

You can increase your safety by ensuring that your devices are not, intentionally or unintentionally, sharing personal information that you do not want to share.

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