Sexual assault and harassment

Sexual abuse is when someone touches you inappropriately or sexually or forces you to perform a sexual act against your will. Sexual harassment with words or action is also abuse.

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is when someone touches you inappropriately or sexually, or forces you to perform a sexual act against your will. Sexual harassment with words or action is also abuse.


Nobody has the right to force another person to do something sexual against their will. Having sex with another person without consent is rape.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is when someone oversteps sexual boundaries.

Manneskja horfir á símann sinn sem sýnir ólæsileg skilaboð. Hún snýr baki í okkur svo við sjáum á símann í höndunum á henni. Mikið liðað hár sveiflast í vindinum.

Digital abuse

Digital abuse is when someone uses technology or technological devices to monitor, harass, threaten, or humiliate you.


When an older person uses deceit or gifts to groom a teenager or a vulnerable person to perform sexual acts, it is called grooming. Grooming is abuse and is illegal.

A person stuck in a glass. On the bottom of the glass there are pills.


Spiking is when someone gives another person a drink, medicine or drugs that have been spiked.

A guide to the Icelandic justice system for victims of sexual offences

If you have been subjected to sexual assault or harassment you should consider reporting it to the police. We have collected information about the legal process, from initial reports all the way through the case being brought to court.

Offer support after sexual violence or abuse

It can be hard to know how to help a loved one who has experienced sexual abuse. You can be an important support for them, even if it seems overwhelming at first.

Manneskja stendur að baki annarri manneskju og heldur utan um hana. Hún brosir en manneskjan sem hún heldur utan um er leið á svip. Þær eru báðar með lokuð augun.

Do not abuse someone sexually

Sex needs to build on respect and good communication where the longing of both parties is respected. Respecting boundaries is a basic element of healthy communication.