Abuse of people with disabilities

People with disabilities are at greater risk of being abused than able-bodied people. Disabled women and children are at even more risk. Unfortunately, disabled people have often become so accustomed to prejudice, humiliating attitudes or poor service that they don’t realize that they are being abused.

You can contact a rights counsellor if you think that someone has violated your rights or abused you. You can call 5548100 or send an email to postur@rettindagaesla.is.

By law, disabled people are entitled to general services and assistance. They shall have equal rights and enjoy living standards comparable to other members of society.

Here are different types of abuse

Emotional abuse

It is emotional abuse when someone threatens you or deliberately tries to scare, humiliate, isolate or ignore you. It's also sometimes called psychological abuse.

Physical abuse

Physical abuse and violence are when someone hurts you physically, like with pinching, shoving, kicking, or punching. Threats of physical abuse are also physical violence.

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is when someone touches you inappropriately or sexually, or forces you to perform a sexual act against your will. Sexual harassment with words or action is also abuse.

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse is when someone cheats you of your money, steals from you, or denies you access to your money.

Manneskja horfir á símann sinn sem sýnir ólæsileg skilaboð. Hún snýr baki í okkur svo við sjáum á símann í höndunum á henni. Mikið liðað hár sveiflast í vindinum.

Digital abuse

Digital abuse is when someone uses technology or technological devices to monitor, harass, threaten, or humiliate you.


Neglect is when someone does not tend to the wants of a person who needs help, like a child, a person with a disability or an elderly person.

You can talk to 112 through webchat if you think that you are being abused.

Jóhanna’s personal experience

Here is a video about Jóhanna. She is a woman with disabilities who went to Bjarkarhlíð and Stígamót to work through the abuse that she experienced. Today she feels much better.

Do you recognize abuse?

See more stories


María is a disabled woman who needs assistance with various activities in daily life. María lives in a supportive housing center where she feels good most of the time. She feels sometimes however that some of the staff are not considerate of her needs.

She had a difficult morning and the staff member who was helping her, Björn, was not happy with the way she spoke to him. Now Björn does not say anything when María talks to him but rather ignores her. The silence is so repressive that she does not have the courage to ask for lunch even though she is starving.

Is this abuse?

Police improves their service to people with disabilities who have been abused

In the past few years, there has been a change in how the police handle cases involving violence and abuse. Now the attention has been shifted to the people who are being abused. Before the focus was on perpetrators.

Various projects are ongoing with authorities to fight violence and abuse. One of them is to research the violence and abuse of people with disabilities. The Police's analytical department is working on recommendations to improve the service to people with disabilities that have been victims of abuse.

The goal is to protect people with disabilities better from violence and abuse and make it easier for them to get help.

Merki fyrir fatlaða á vegg fyrir ofan skábraut.

Rights Protection Officer

Rights Protection Officer helps disabled or Deaf people and people with an impairment or long-term health condition. They help with everything to do with rights, finances, and personal issues.


The Red Cross Helpline 1717 is a phone service and webchat for those who need someone to talk to in confidentiality. They are open 24 hours, and it's free to call.


Stígamót helps people of all genders who have been sexually abused.


Bjarkarhlíð is a center for people who have experienced abuse. There you get all the support and counseling you need in one place. All assistance is on your terms.

Setustofa hjá Bjarkarhlíð. Hér má sjá þrjá hægindastóla. Tveir eru nær og milli þeirra borð með lampa. Einn er fjær, með borð við hlið sér og hillur þar sem meðal annars er kaffikanna, bollar og nokkur tímarit. Ein planta og standlampi eru við hlið hillunnar.

Bjarmahlíð in Akureyri

Bjarmahlíð is a center for people who have experienced abuse. There you get all the support and counseling you need in one place. All assistance is on your terms.

Women's Shelter

The Women‘s Shelter offers counseling and a safe place to stay for any woman who has experienced abuse in a close relationship.

Sexual assault and harassment

Sexual assault is when someone touches you inappropriately or sexually or forces you to perform a sexual act against your will. Sexual harassment with words or action is also assault.