For kids - information about abuse

Abuse is when someone hurts you or makes you feel bad. It is never OK to abuse others. You can always get help.

No one is allowed to abuse you or others

It can be hard to believe that someone wants to hurt or scare others. But people sometimes do that in order to control other people. That is called abuse. It is never OK to abuse others.

There are many people who can help those who experience abuse, if they tell someone. The people who hurt and injure others can also get help. They aren’t necessarily taken away, but they can get help to change their behaviour.

Different types of abuse

A sad child sits alone while several fingers point at them.


When one or more people are often mean to the same person, that’s bullying.

Domestic abuse with teenagers

Domestic abuse can happen in all kinds of families.

Manneskja situr flötum beinum á gólfinu með annan fótinn krossaðan yfir. Hún er leið á svip og með lokuð augun. Hún er með dökkt sítt hár, er í blárri peysu, dökkum buxum og brúnum skóm. Hún heldur hægri hendinni upp að eyranu en heldur farsímannum upp fyrir framan sig í vinstri hendinni.

Nude photos and digital sexual abuse against children

Taking or sending sexual photos or videos of children is illegal.

Sexual abuse of kids

Sexual abuse is when someone wants to touch you in private areas or make someone touch them and keep it secret.

Tell someone

If you or someone you know experiences abuse, it’s best to tell an adult whom you trust. They can be someone in your family, a teacher or a friend’s parents. If there is no one you feel comfortable talking to, you can call the children’s emergency number 112. Then the family gets help solving the problem.

You can always get help by calling 112 or on the 112 webchat

Healthy body and self-image

We all look different, and we all want different things. It’s important to feel good about ourselves and to tell others what we want and don’t want.


Umboðsmaður Barna Merki

The Ombudsman for Children

The Ombudsman for Children is a public spokesperson for children and endeavours to have children’s rights, needs and interests taken into full consideration.

The Sick Love Chat

The Sick love chat is an anonymous chat for young people who seek advice about their relationships, communication or violence.

Happy children jumping into a pool.

Child Protection Services

Child protection service committees in each municipality help children who live in unacceptable living conditions and provide support for families.


Abuse is about controlling, intimidating and humiliating the other person