Sexual abuse of kids

Sexual abuse is when someone wants to touch you in private areas or make someone touch them and keep it secret.

What is sexual abuse?

When someone wants to touch you in a way that you find uncomfortable, for example in private areas like your genitals, butt, or breasts, that is sexual abuse.

It is also sexual abuse if someone asks you to touch their private parts or touches their private parts in front of you.

It is never your fault if someone mistreats you. Always tell someone. There is always someone who can help.

This animation is about a brave girl who is abused sexually. She tells someone and gets help.

Have you experienced sexual abuse?

Digital sexual abuse

Taking or sending sexual photos or videos of children is illegal.

Manneskja situr flötum beinum á gólfinu með annan fótinn krossaðan yfir. Hún er leið á svip og með lokuð augun. Hún er með dökkt sítt hár, er í blárri peysu, dökkum buxum og brúnum skóm. Hún heldur hægri hendinni upp að eyranu en heldur farsímannum upp fyrir framan sig í vinstri hendinni.

Healthy body and self-image

We all look different, and we all want different things. It’s important to feel good about ourselves and to tell others what we want and don’t want.