
When one or more people are often mean to the same person, that’s bullying.

A sad child sits alone while several fingers point at them.

What is bullying?

When the same person is teased repeatedly, that's called bullying.

Bullying can be:

  • kicking or pushing
  • stealing or damaging things
  • calling someone names, teasing them, or gossiping about them
  • ostracising someone from a friend group
  • making someone do something they don’t want to do
  • mean messages online

Bullying hurts people a lot. Watching and not doing anything is also participating in bullying. It is never OK to bully someone.

Tell an adult if you are bullied or know someone who has been bullied. You can always get help.

What should I do if I am bullied online or if someone shares pictures of me that I don’t want others to see?


Children in a swimming pool.

Communication counsellor

A communication counsellor is here to listen, support, and assist you in all cases related to inappropriate behaviour or abuse within organized sports or youth activities.

The logo for the advisory board.

Advisory board on bullying in primary and upper secondary schools

If your bullying case is not resolved, you can refer it to the advisory board for primary or upper secondary school on bullying.


The Red Cross Helpline 1717 is a phone service and webchat for those who need someone to talk to in confidentiality. They are open 24 hours, and it's free to call.


Landsteymið helps everyone in the school community, from kindergarten to secondary school.

Domestic violence

Domestic violence can happen in all kinds of families.

Manneskja í fjötrum. Hún er með lokuð augu og er leið á svipinn og heldur þétt utan um sig. Rauður þykkur borði er vafinn utan um hana.