Advisory board on bullying in primary and upper secondary schools

If your bullying case is not resolved, you can refer it to the advisory board for primary or upper secondary school on bullying.

The logo for the advisory board.

Advisory board on bullying in compulsory and upper secondary schools

The advisory board on bullying provides consultation on bullying cases involving students in compulsory and upper secondary schools.

If the case cannot be resolved in a satisfactory manner within the school or municipality, or due to the alleged inaction of those same parties, you can refer bullying cases to the advisory board. They will work to reach a satisfactory resolution in the case and issue an advisory opinion based on the data and information that the board receives.

Those who can seek assistance from the advisory board are: students, parents or guardians, school staff, and others who work with children. This also applies to:

  • after-school centres for students in the lower grades of compulsory school
  • social and recreational activities under the auspices of schools
  • school camp activities
  • field trips
  • trips organized by schools or parents
  • all other activities under the auspices of compulsory schools

To refer a case, send an email to

  • Telephone

  • Address

    Víkurhvarf 3, Kópavogi
  • Languages

    Íslenska, English, polski

More resources

Umboðsmaður Barna Merki

The Ombudsman for Children

The Ombudsman for Children is a public spokesperson for children and endeavours to have children’s rights, needs and interests taken into full consideration.

Children in a swimming pool.

Communication counsellor

A communication counsellor is here to listen, support, and assist you in all cases related to inappropriate behaviour or abuse within organized sports or youth activities.

Three girls with their back to the camera. They are chatting.

Save the Children

Save the Children (Barnaheill) offers consultation about the welfare of children. On their website, it is possible to report inappropriate online behaviour against children.


Landsteymið helps everyone in the school community, from kindergarten to secondary school.


Bullying is repeated abuse, physical or mental, in which one or more bully an individual who has difficulty defending themselves. In order to stop the bullying, it is important to recognise the signs.

A sad child sits alone while several fingers point at them.

How to stay calm in threatening situations

When we feel threatened, the body's automatic and unconscious defenses take over.

Manneskja styður höndum á gagnaugun. Henni líður greinilega illa. Eldingar eru teiknaðar hjá höfðinu.