I have experienced sexual abuse (A guide for 14-year-olds and younger)

I am 14 or under. What should I do?

What should I do?

Tell someone

Talk to someone about what happened, someone who you trust and find easy to talk to, for example someone in your family.

You can also talk to:

  • Your school nurse
  • Your teacher
  • Your coach
  • The staff at your after school centre (félagsmiðstöð)

And there are lots of other people who want to help you and whose help does not cost anything:

  • Sjúkt spjall is an anonymous webchat where youth (under 20) can discuss their concerns about relationships, communication, or abuse.
  • The 1717 helpline and webchat are open 24 hours a day. There you can get free, confidential support on any issue.
  • 112 phone line and webchat. There you get a counsellor from child protection services (barnavernd) or from social services to support you and your family. You have to give your name but you can ask for them to keep it secret.
  • Bergið headspace is a free support and counselling centre that helps young people. There you can book a free appointment with a counsellor who goes over the problem, and provides advice and support.
  • The LGBTQ+ youth center (Hinsegin félagsmiðstöð) is for all young people 13-17 years old who want to chat in a place where all are welcome.
  • Most Public health clinics have a special reception for young people between the ages of 13-20 where they can discuss their health and well-being.

What happens next if the offence is reported?

The guide below explains the process you go through if charges are pressed for the offence against you.

When you tell someone

It is really important to tell someone if a person is making you do something that you don’t want to do.

The difference between you and older people

Interview at the Children’s House

Manneskja stendur að baki annarri manneskju og heldur utan um hana. Hún brosir en manneskjan sem hún heldur utan um er leið á svip. Þær eru báðar með lokuð augun.

In the interview you describe what happened.

Case investigated

Hendur halda á tveimur stórum pússluspilum og eru að setja þau saman.

The police collect data. Then a decision is made on whether the case goes to the district prosecutor’s office or not.

Does the case go to court?

Manneskja með áhyggjusvip horfir út í buskann. Tvö stór spurningamerki svífa í kringum hana.

Now the perpetrator will be prosecuted or the case will be dismissed.

Case closed

Manneskja stendur við opinn glugga og horfir út. Við horfum á hana utan frá þar sem gluggahlerarnir hafa verið opnaðir út.

Now it’s time for a judgement to be delivered in the district court.

Want to know more about abuse?