This web page is part of the Guide to the Icelandic justice system for 14 year olds and younger who have experienced sexual abuse.
The difference between you and older people

What is different
- Sexual intercourse. No one is allowed to have sexual intercourse with you or do sexual things with you.
- Others report. People you know have to let child protection services or the police know if they think that someone has committed an offence against you. This includes your school nurse, school counsellor, coaches, teachers, after school centre staff, and others. They don’t decide on their own whether to report the offence, they have to do it according to the law. That also applies to other adults, whether you know them or not.
- You don’t have to press charges for the offence. It is your parents or guardians who do. When charges are pressed for the offence, you get a lawyer called a legal rights protector (réttargæslumaður). They communicate with your parents or guardians about how the case is going.
- You are not required to attend the court case. You go to an interview in the Children’s House instead. It is a regular house and not like a police station. Your parents or guardians go with you.
What is the same
- It’s better to tell someone. Whatever a person’s age, it’s always better to tell someone about a sexual offence. You should try to tell someone what happened as soon as possible.
- Help to feel better. You feel bad now but you will get help to feel better. When child protection services have been informed about the abuse they organise trauma therapy for you. The main part of the therapy is sessions with psychologists.
- The process takes time. You can expect the process to take two years or more.