Enjoy Yourself - School Events

Enjoy yourself is a message from Neyðarlínan (the National Emergency Line) and an encouragement to event organisers to ensure that events are both safe and fun.

With the Enjoy Yourself campaign, Neyðarlínan wants to encourage the public to:

  • Be aware of their surroundings
  • Promote safety in communication
  • Respect boundaries
  • Tell someone if anyone needs help

By being aware of what is happening around us, we can all contribute to good fun where everyone feels safe from sexual violence and harassment.

Enjoy Yourself is a joint effort of the Neyðarlínan, the Ministry of Justice and the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police. Its goal is to remind the public of the role and services of the 112 Emergency Line and at the same time encourage unity against violence at events.

See information for event organisers.

Contact 112 if you are concerned about someone's behaviour, believe someone is in danger, or have experienced violence.

If something happened

If you experienced violence or saw violence, it is important to let an adult know. At school events, there should be a staff member from the school. Security guards and staff on site can also help you. If there is any doubt, call 112.


Emergency care for sexual assault victims

The Emergency care for sexual assault assists anyone who has been raped, experienced attempted rape or any other sexual abuse.

Emergency care for sexual assault victims

The Emergency care for sexual assault assists anyone who has been raped, experienced attempted rape or any other sexual abuse.

The Sick Love Chat

The Sick love chat is an anonymous chat for young people who seek advice about their relationships, communication or violence.


The police in Iceland help people who have suffered abuse of any kind. Police see abuse in close relationships as a very serious matter.

More information

For teenagers - information about abuse

Abuse consists of controlling, frightening, or putting down another person in order to gain or maintain control over them. Abuse happens regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, or other factors. It is never OK to abuse others.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is when someone oversteps sexual boundaries.

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is when someone makes you do something sexual that you don’t want to do, touches you, or harasses you in a sexual way.

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is when someone touches you inappropriately or sexually, or forces you to perform a sexual act against your will. Sexual harassment with words or action is also abuse.

A woman sits on the floor, surrounded by her hair.


Nobody has the right to force another person to do something sexual against their will. Having sex with another person without consent is rape.

A person stuck in a glass. On the bottom of the glass there are pills.


Spiking is when someone gives another person a drink, medicine or drugs that have been spiked.