Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is when the person abusing you is a relative or is closely connected to you. It can be your spouse, a family member, or caregiver. Abuse can occur regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or any other reason. When the abuser is your current or former partner, it is called abuse in close relationships.

A woman holds a broken heart.

Abuse is a form of violence when someone intentionally harms you, does or says things frequently to make you upset. In Iceland, abuse is prohibited.

In Iceland, men and women are equals, also within marriage. It is prohibited to inflict physical or mental violence on one’s spouse or children.

A woman sits on the floor. Her mind is in distress.

Emotional abuse

It is emotional abuse when someone threatens you or deliberately tries to scare, humiliate, isolate or ignore you. It's also sometimes called psychological abuse.

Physical abuse

Physical abuse and violence are when someone hurts you physically, like with pinching, shoving, kicking, or punching. Threats of physical abuse are also physical violence.

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is when someone touches you inappropriately or sexually, or forces you to perform a sexual act against your will. Sexual harassment with words or action is also abuse.

A hand holds out a piggybank.

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse is when someone cheats you of your money, steals from you, or denies you access to your money.

A woman looks at her phone.

Digital abuse

Digital abuse is when someone uses technology or technological devices to monitor, harass, threaten, or humiliate you.

A woman with wavy hair sits alone on the floor.


Neglect is when someone does not tend to the wants of a person who needs help, like a child, a person with a disability or an elderly person.

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If someone repeatedly harasses, follows or threatens you or monitors you, they are a stalker and their behaviour is called stalking.

Religious abuse

When someone uses a spiritual practice or religion to frighten you, hurt you or control you, it is called religious abuse.

A person sits on their knees with a sad face.

Honour-based abuse

Honour-based abuse is when someone, usually a close relative, inflicts abuse on you to protect the honour of the family. When honour is set above your human rights, that is abuse.

You can contact emergency services if you suspect that you or somebody you know is being abused.