Prejudice and violence against marginalized groups

People in marginalized groups often have to tolerate behaviors that others do not.

Four people of different ethnicity, religion and gender.

That behavior can seem harmless but causes discomfort. It can also be violent, driven by prejudice and hatred.

Examples of this behavior are

  • Prejudice
  • Microaggression
  • Honour violence
  • Hate crimes

What are marginalized groups?

Marginalization is when a person or group is sidelined and moved away from what others have easier access to.

People in marginalized groups may find it harder to access basic services and opportunities than others.

Marginalized groups are immigrants, refugees, queer people, the poor, the disabled, and others.

People in the same group can be marginalized in different ways.

Read more about marginalized groups


Prejudice is judging someone due to false beliefs, ignorance, or fear.

People in marginalized groups are more likely than others to experience prejudice.

When prejudice against a group is considered normal, the group is more likely to be harassed. Stimuli so often develop into violence being used against the group. It is also less likely that the group will receive assistance. That's why it is important to fight prejudice from the start.

What is prejudice?

  • To judge in advance.
  • To base opinions and perceptions of people on stereotypes.
  • Judging by origin, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or the like.
  • Prejudice is often based on ignorance, fear, and insecurity.
  • Separating "us" from "the others."

What are stereotypes?

Stereotypes are generalizations about all individuals who belong to a certain group. They can be positive (all X are intelligent) and negative (all X are thieves), sometimes at the same time. They are simplified and often prejudiced versions of real people in a group. They can be based on rumours, news coverage, and manifestations (for example, in shows and films).


Microaggression is an Icelandic translation of the English word "microagression." Microaggression is an everyday prejudice. This means that they can appear without anyone noticing except the victim himself.

Read more about microaggression

A woman holds her hands over her head while a giant hand points at her.

Honour violence

Honor violence is when someone uses violence to defend the "honor" of the family, often a close relative. Honour violence oftentakes place in marginalised groups and is directed against other marginalised groups, especially women and queer people.

Read more about honour violence

Hate crimes

Hate crime is an umbrella term. It covers crimes driven by hatred of a victim's group.

Hate crimes are divided into three categories: violence, hate speech and discrimination.

Read more about hate crimes

Is it prejudice, discrimination, hate speech, or normal behavior?

Here are some examples to think about.

  • There are plans to open a home for the disabled in a suburb of a town. Residents create a petition to prevent the home from opening.
  • Gunnar is about to celebrate his 14th birthday. His mom doesn't want him to invite two classmates because they always wear old clothes.
  • Kristín Anna is 32 years old and has lived in Siglufjörður since she was adopted when she was a few months old from Sri Lanka. Hardly a day goes by where she is not asked where she is from and if she speaks Icelandic.
  • An Icelandic female bass player has won an award abroad. A person comments on all articles about the award that she only got the award because she is a woman. Many agree and mention that everyone knows that women can't play the bass.

More information

Stór hendi stoppar mann af.


Hatursglæpir er regnbogahugtak um það þegar refsivert brot er framið vegna fordóma eða haturs sem gerandi hefur í garð hópsins sem þolandi er hluti af.

Kona heldur fyrir andlitið á meðan að stór hendi bendir á hana.


Hatursorðræða er þegar einhver hræðir, hæðist að, rógber, smánar eða ógnar einstaklingi eða hópi vegna fordóma eða haturs sem gerandi hefur í garð hópsins.


Öráreitni (microaggression) eru fordómar og mismunun sem geta komið fram í daglegri hegðun og samskiptum. Algengt er að enginn taki eftir fordómunum nema þolandinn.

Kona réttir fram hjálparhönd í gegnum tölvu.

Að takast á við hatursorðræðu og fordóma

Það er margt hægt að gera ef þú verður vitni að hatursorðræðu eða vilt berjast gegn henni.

Hatursorðræða: Tjáningarfrelsi og íslensk lög

Það er erfitt að ræða um hatursorðræðu nema ræða einnig um tjáningarfrelsi.

Manneska situr á hnjánum á gólfinu. Hún er leið á svip, með lokuð augun og höfuðið lítur niður til jarðar.


Heiðursofbeldi er þegar einhver beitir þig ofbeldi til að verja heiður fjölskyldunnar, oft náinn ættingi. Þegar heiður er settur ofar mannréttindum þínum, þá er það ofbeldi.

Ofbeldi gegn fötluðu fólki

Ofbeldi er það þegar einhver gerir eitthvað sem meiðir þig eða lætur þér líða illa. Fatlaðir er líklegra til að verða fyrir ofbeldi en ófatlaðir.

Manneskja stendur að baki annarri manneskju og heldur utan um hana. Hún brosir en manneskjan sem hún heldur utan um er leið á svip. Þær eru báðar með lokuð augun.

Ofbeldi gegn hinsegin fólki

Ofbeldi gegn hinsegin fólki er alvarlegt vandamál sem hefur margar birtingarmyndir.

Ofbeldi gegn innflytjendum

Fólk af erlendum uppruna sem býr á Íslandi er í meiri áhættu á að verða fyrir ofbeldi.

Four people from marginalized groups. A man with a dark skin tone, a woman in a wheelchair, a woman, and a woman with a hijab.

Marginalized groups

Marginalization is when a person or group is sidelined. They are cut off from what others can access easily.