Marginalized groups

Marginalization is when a person or group is sidelined. They are cut off from what others can access easily.

Four people from marginalized groups. A man with a dark skin tone, a woman in a wheelchair, a woman, and a woman with a hijab.

Marginalized people

A person in a marginalized group has a harder time with certain things in society than others.

Examples of things that can be more difficult for them:

  • Accessing basic services.
  • To take advantage of opportunities in society.
  • Getting help and support.

Groups that are often marginalized are for example:

  • immigrants
  • people of foreign origin
  • people with dark skin tones
  • refugees
  • queer people
  • the poor
  • the disabled.

People from the same group can experience marginalization to varying degrees.


Residents of Iceland who are born abroad, regardless of citizenship, are called immigrants.

This term also applies to

  • refugees
  • people who have foreign parents or parents
  • migrant workers (workers who move between countries where work is available)

In 2023, 18% of the population in Iceland was immigrants.


Refugees is an umbrella term that encompasses individuals who have been recognized as refugees under international agreements.

Quota refugees

Quota refugees are individuals who are invited to come to Iceland on behalf of the government. The Icelandic government has invited quota refugees from Syria and Afghanistan, among other countries.

Asylum seekers (Applicants for international protection)

Applicants for international protection are individuals who come to Iceland on their own. The Directorate of Immigration handles the applications of asylum seekers.

Iceland is a meMeiri upplýsingarmber of the Dublin Regulation. That means that if an individual applies for international protection in one country, that country takes care of that individual's case. Iceland does not need to process a case if an individual has previously applied for protection in a country that is part of the Dublin Regulation.

Queer people

Queer is an umbrella term for all those who are not heterosexual or do not fit into what is called traditional gender.

Those include lesbians, gays, bisexuals, pansexuals, trans people, intersex, asexual, and more.

The law protects the right of individuals to physical privacy. This means that everyone has the right to control their own body. In Iceland, everyone's right to life, their security, liberty and human dignity is respected.

Read about violence against queer people

People with disabilities

People with disabilities, both mental and physical, are often marginalized.

Marginalization of people with disabilities can for example consist of:

  • There is no access for it to companies or institutions.
  • They are not entrusted with tasks that they can perform well.
  • They are not allowed to participate in activities and events that others are allowed to participate in.
  • They are talked down to or their right to self-determination is taken away from them.

Read about violence against people with disabilities

Other groups

Individuals who are not necessarily marginalized in general in society may be marginalized in certain groups. These groups can be anything from a group of friends or family to a workplace or religious community. For example, women are marginalized in many groups.

More information

Fjórar manneskjur. Ein er með dökkan húðlit, ein er í hjólastól, ein er kona og ein er með hijab.

Jaðarsettir hópar

Jaðarsetning er það þegar manneskja eða hópur er settur til hliðar og lengra frá því sem aðrir hafa greiðari aðgang að.

Kona heldur fyrir andlitið á meðan að stór hendi bendir á hana.


Hatursorðræða er þegar einhver hræðir, hæðist að, rógber, smánar eða ógnar einstaklingi eða hópi vegna fordóma eða haturs sem gerandi hefur í garð hópsins.

Stór hendi stoppar mann af.


Hatursglæpir er regnbogahugtak um það þegar refsivert brot er framið vegna fordóma eða haturs sem gerandi hefur í garð hópsins sem þolandi er hluti af.


Öráreitni (microaggression) eru fordómar og mismunun sem geta komið fram í daglegri hegðun og samskiptum. Algengt er að enginn taki eftir fordómunum nema þolandinn.

Kona réttir fram hjálparhönd í gegnum tölvu.

Að takast á við hatursorðræðu og fordóma

Það er margt hægt að gera ef þú verður vitni að hatursorðræðu eða vilt berjast gegn henni.

Hatursorðræða: Tjáningarfrelsi og íslensk lög

Það er erfitt að ræða um hatursorðræðu nema ræða einnig um tjáningarfrelsi.