Nightclub staff

Nightclub staff that participate in the “Safe nightclubs” project commit to ensuring the safety of guests and staff.

Agreement on safe and abuse-free nightclubs

The agreement aims to prevent all possible violence at nightclubs. Violence such as gender-based and sexual harassment, prostitution and human trafficking, as well as violence based on discrimination or hate, such as towards immigrants or queer people, is not tolerated.

All nightclub staff has the right to:

  • Work without experiencing abuse or threats.
  • Work without experiencing gender-based or sexual harassment.
  • Feel safe at work.

Nightclub staff:

  • Call the police if a violent offence or sex offence occurs or in the case of possession or use of illegal substances.
  • Do not show any tolerance toward violence in any form, including sexual offences, gender-based or sexual harassment, as well as other harassment and violence based on discrimination or hate, for example toward immigrants or queer people.
  • Monitor the bathrooms in a systematic, organized, and scheduled manner, in order to counteract violent offences, sexual offences, and possession or use of illegal drugs.
  • Ensure that doors and locks to bathroom stalls are such that bouncers and staff can open doors from the outside so that they can counteract violent offences and sexual offences.
  • Equip stalls in such a way that it is not possible to climb over or crawl under their partitions but so that it is easy to see whether and how many people are inside so that violence offences and sexual offences can be counteracted.

Staff call the police in the case of:

  • A violent offence.
  • A sexual offence.
  • Possession or use of illegal substances.

If you experience or witness abuse, seek out:


Stígamót helps people of all genders who have been sexually abused.


The police in Iceland help people who have suffered abuse of any kind. Police see abuse in close relationships as a very serious matter.

Emergency care for sexual assault victims

The Emergency care for sexual assault assists anyone who has been raped, experienced attempted rape or any other sexual abuse.


Bouncers are responsible for monitoring:

  • The age of guests.
  • The number of guests.
  • The opening hours.
  • Whether alcohol is being brought into or taken out of the establishment.
  • That all guests can be safe and can enjoy themselves without abuse.
  • Other issues related to the rules of the establishment or laws and regulations.

Good communication, less abuse

Bouncers practice good communication and are level-headed, polite, and firm.

De-escalation is key in situations where people are trying to hurt each other. If it is possible to calm someone down by talking to them, then that is the best option.

Bouncers contact the police when problems have become too big.

Good communication consists of questions and requests, pointing out facts, and describing consequences. The key is using matter-of-fact reactions and explanations.

For example:

  • You’ve been having a fight.
  • I watched you harrass/damage ...
  • In our opinion, you’ve gone too far.
  • The rules of the place are clear and therefore... (shift responsibility over to the rules).
  • Please stop doing that.
  • Please leave.
  • Poor communication: accusations, unfounded judgements, demands, and threats.

Slæm samskipti: ásakanir, sleggjudómar, heimtingar og hótanir.

For example:

  • Get the hell out.
  • You're drunk, you idiot.
  • You fucked up.

If someone approaches you due to sexual harassment, sexual abuse or drugging

  • Listen, show understanding, and treat the person with respect.
  • Call 112.
  • Take care of the person as well as you can, do not leave them alone and defenceless.
  • In the case of rape, you can call the Emergency Room for Victims of Sexual Violence at the National Hospital's Fossvogur location. Phone number: 543 1000
  • Take down information about the person who the complaints are against. Write down as much as possible. You can write down a description of the person, their name, and the course of events. Since you are sober, you are more likely to remember and notice things that could be useful in an investigation. This information can make a difference in a criminal case.
  • Escort the person whom the complaints were against out of the establishment.

Various forms of sexual abuse and harassment

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is when someone touches you inappropriately or sexually, or forces you to perform a sexual act against your will. Sexual harassment with words or action is also abuse.

A woman sits on the floor, surrounded by her hair.


Nobody has the right to force another person to do something sexual against their will. Having sex with another person without consent is rape.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is when someone oversteps sexual boundaries.

A person stuck in a glass. On the bottom of the glass there are pills.


Spiking is when someone gives another person a drink, medicine or drugs that have been spiked.

Various things for bouncers to consider

  • Bouncers can ask anyone for ID and this also applies to guests inside the venue. Legal documents are: driver's license, passport and identity card. Debit cards, library cards, membership cards or similar may not be used.
  • Nightclub staff are in a key position to assist in solving police cases. It is good to keep in mind that the goal of the police is to solve criminal offences.
  • The first reaction of the doormen and other staff is very important. A balanced and calm approach to cases and good cooperation with the police make the police's work easier.
  • Bouncers and other staff are often the only people sober. It is good to write down if something special happens.
  • If a recording is made of an incident, it is important that the recording is not lost.
    The police, in their supervisory role, have unrestricted access to the entertainment venue and its facilities.
  • Bouncers are allowed to send people out of clubs due to drug use or sale.
  • Drug cases can be reported to the police anonymously or under a pseudonym.
  • Loudspeakers outside the venue without a permit are subject to a fine.


  • People under the age of 18 are prohibited from being in a restaurant with a license to serve alcohol after 22 in the evening unless accompanied by a parent, other guardian, relative or spouse who is 18 years or older.
  • An exemption is given in some cases, such as at school dances, where alcohol is not served.
  • If the Youth Act is broken, there is a fine.
  • A bartender who sells alcohol to people under the age of 20 will be personally fined and the place will be reported.

It is not allowed to:

  • Serve alcohol at times other than those listed in the venue's business license.
  • Provide alcohol in a way other than what is listed in the place's operating permit.
  • Serve other types of alcohol than are listed in the place's operating permit.

Penalties for violations

  • The police should close the place according to laws if the operating permit is not valid or if the operations is not within the the limits of the permit.
  • First there are sudden closures, but then there is the suspension of the operating permit in the case of repeated violations.
  • There are fines for selling alcohol under the age of 18 and if there is a speaker outside the venue.
  • Fines are imposed for all violations related to the duties of bouncers (and others when it comes to the handling and delivery of alcohol).
  • Suspension of bouncer privileges is the only possible punishment at this time.

We are all prejudiced

Marginalized groups are groups that experience discrimination and violence more often than others in society. Prejudice makes us more likely to inflict violence on other people or neglect to help them when they need it.