
Microaggression (öráreitni) is prejudice and discrimination that can occur in everyday behaviour and communication. It is common for no one to notice the prejudice except the victim.

  • The behaviour is often subtle and hidden from others.
  • Mainly directed against individuals in marginalized groups.
  • It may seem harmless on its own. But, if used repeatedly, even several times a day, it can have severe consequences.
  • Can manifest itself in the choice of words, tone of voice, body language, and attitude in general.
  • It is often difficult to pinpoint or explain exactly what it is that makes the behaviour a microaggression.

Examples of microaggressions

  • Staring at someone.
  • Body language that shows someone is unwelcome. For example, closing a conversation group to block them.
  • Facial expressions that show that the individual is not an equal.
  • Assuming an individual does not speak Icelandic.
    - Asking "Do you speak Icelandic?" or "Do you need an interpreter?"
    - Speaking English even if the person speaks to you in Icelandic.
    - Pretend not to understand the individual.
    - Raising your voice so that the person understands your Icelandic better.
  • Name-calling.
  • Using words like "gay" to describe something in a negative way.
  • Talking down to people as if they are children ("Are you sure you trust yourself to do this?").
  • Distrusting people based on their looks or situation.
  • Showing impatience towards people because of how they look or their situation.
  • Talking about someone in the third person to others and not to them directly.
  • Assuming the parents of a child are male and female.
  • Assuming anyone who doesn't fit the Icelandic stereotype is a foreigner.

Two rules to follow

  1. If you assume that you will have to say "I was only joking" after you say something, then it might be a good idea not to say it.
  2. If you wouldn't ask a white Icelandic person this question, don't ask it.

More information

Fjórar manneskjur. Ein er með dökkan húðlit, ein er í hjólastól, ein er kona og ein er með hijab.

Jaðarsettir hópar

Jaðarsetning er það þegar manneskja eða hópur er settur til hliðar og lengra frá því sem aðrir hafa greiðari aðgang að.

Kona heldur fyrir andlitið á meðan að stór hendi bendir á hana.


Hatursorðræða er þegar einhver hræðir, hæðist að, rógber, smánar eða ógnar einstaklingi eða hópi vegna fordóma eða haturs sem gerandi hefur í garð hópsins.

Stór hendi stoppar mann af.


Hatursglæpir er regnbogahugtak um það þegar refsivert brot er framið vegna fordóma eða haturs sem gerandi hefur í garð hópsins sem þolandi er hluti af.


Öráreitni (microaggression) eru fordómar og mismunun sem geta komið fram í daglegri hegðun og samskiptum. Algengt er að enginn taki eftir fordómunum nema þolandinn.

Kona réttir fram hjálparhönd í gegnum tölvu.

Að takast á við hatursorðræðu og fordóma

Það er margt hægt að gera ef þú verður vitni að hatursorðræðu eða vilt berjast gegn henni.

Hatursorðræða: Tjáningarfrelsi og íslensk lög

Það er erfitt að ræða um hatursorðræðu nema ræða einnig um tjáningarfrelsi.