Test alert

Here you could report if you did not receive a test-alert SMS message from the Police. Note that notifications were only sent out following the test. It activated at 13:30 on May 24th and was open until midnight, May 25th.

More about the test alert

Wednesday, May 24 at 1 PM the Police Commissioner in East Iceland and the Emergency Line, in collaboration with Fjarðabyggð and Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management (Almannavarnir), will run a test of announcing evacuation via SMS messages.

The purpose of the test alert is to check why some of the SMS messages are not being delivered to all phones located in the area they are sent to, as happened last March in Neskaupstaður during the avalanches. Notification will not be accepted until after testing has taken place.

During the exercise, SMS messages will be sent in urban center/town of Neskaupstaður.

The message clearly states that it is an exercise run by the Police Commissioner in East Iceland.

It is requested that all those who are in Neskaupstaður at the time the message is sent and do not receive it on their phones, in the period from 1:00 P.M to 1:30 P.M that day, report it electronically by providing the required information in the form above.

The report form is open until midnight, May 25th.