Legal rights protector (ice. réttargæslumaður)

Everyone who presses charges for a sexual offence has the right to receive a legal rights protector.

Legal rights protector (ice. réttargæslumaður)

A legal rights protector is a lawyer who protects your interests throughout the process of pressing charges. Everyone who presses charges for a sexual offence has the right to their own legal rights protector.

That’s why you don’t have to hire a lawyer if you press charges for a sexual offence. The legal rights protector’s services are paid for by the state.

Legal rights protectors are:

  • Lawyers
  • Across the whole country
  • People of all ages and genders?
  • Many with a lot of experience with cases like yours

What does a legal rights protector do?

With you when you give a statement

Your legal rights protector helps you prepare yourself for giving a statement to the police. They also go to the interview with you and are with you the whole time.

In the district court

If your case goes to court your legal rights protector prepares you for giving testimony in the district court. Legal rights protectors attend the entire trial on your behalf.

Relays information about the case

Your legal rights protector explains the case process to you. They can get information about the status of the case from police and the district prosecutor’s office.


Your legal rights protector applies for financial compensation on your behalf.

Good advice

Your legal rights protector can give you legal guidance and advice.

How do I get a legal rights protector?

You can:

  • Have a legal rights protector assigned to you at the Emergency Room for Victims of Sexual Abuse
  • Choose a legal rights protector from a list at the police station or at a survivor support centre
  • Ask a lawyer whom you want to take on the job

And very important:

You can always switch legal rights protectors.

Do I have to get a legal rights protector?

You have the right to receive a legal rights protector but it is not a requirement.

If you are under 18 years old a legal rights protector is always assigned to you.

If you are under 18 years old

If you are under 18 years old you are always assigned a legal rights protector.

Legal rights protectors are in communication with your parents or guardians. They do not contact you directly.