Telecommunications via Icelandic coastal stations

Phone calls, messages, reporting, and assistance 24 hours a day.

Björgunarsveitarkona í forgrunni er að lesa af tölvuskjá. Í bakgrunni eru tveir björgunarsveitarmenn úr fókus sem virðast bíða eftir upplýsingum.

All coastal stations (TFA, TFM, TFT, TFZ, TFX, and TFV) are served by the Maritime Traffic Service.

Icelandic Maritime Traffic Service, Skógarhlíð.

Phone number: 5511030
Fax: 5629043
Email: reyrad[at] , sar[at]

MF Radio

Call and emergency frequencies

The following frequencies have 24-hour service.

  • Calling and reporting frequency. All coastal stations are monitored.
  • Calling and emergency frequencies for voice communications. Emergency, danger, and safety communications.
  • DSC Emergency frequency for digital dialing, DSC. Emergency calls and dispatches due to danger or safety.
  • DSC Monitored for general digital dialling calls (DSC) from ships, including due to call requests.
  • kHz DSC General digital dialling (DSC) to ships.
  • The DSC call number (MMSI) of Icelandic coastal stations is: 002510100

Location map for MF HF transmitters and receivers

DSC stations for MF and HF transmitters

DSC receivers for MF and HF