Don't be that guy

Awareness campaign for men on sexual violence and how to respect boundaries.

Don't be that guy

Have you ever been rejected by a girl and ignored it?

Do you feel entitled to sex, just because she looked like she was interested earlier that night?

Do you think it's ok to grope a girl you like, without getting consent?

Sex entitlement

Nobody has the right to get sex, despite having bought a girl a drink or for a dinner. Or if a girl dresses up in a short skirt or said she wanted it before. Consent is always a precondition for sex.

Porn films give a jarred idea of reality when it comes to sex. Excessive use of porn can give men the idea that they are somehow more entitled to sex.

Social behaviour that needs to change

The idea of sex entitlement without consent is called rape culture and it will thrive while we excuse our friend's behaviour or deem abuse or harassment as irrelevant.

What can I do?

To respect boundaries is a fundamental element in any encounter. Look at yourself and how you talk about women. Listen to your environment and see if you find yourself taking part in a negative discussion about women without realising it. Don't take part, even if everyone else behaves like that.

Nobody can expect women to be the only propelling force to change ideas like that. You can be a part of the solution too. Take a stand against sexual violence and help your friends to take responsibility for their own behaviour.

Do you recognize yourself?

In 60 seconds you can see if you tick the boxes

About the awareness campaign Don't be that guy.

"Don't be that guy" is an awareness campaign to educate men who want to stop sexual abuse. The material is based on the same awareness campaign in Scotland (That Guy) and Canada (Sexual Assault Voices of Calgary). These campaigns emphasise educating young men about their own behaviour and encourage them to be a force amongst their equals to eradicate sexual violence.

Stop sexual abuse

You can prevent sexual abuse, by changing your behaviour or pointing out alarming behaviour around you.